Participation in EU research project ALAS (


The EU funded project called ALAS (Adaptative LASer cladding System with variable spot sizes, FP7-SME-2012/ 315614) started in September 2012, with an expected maturity of 2 years. TMC contributes to this project as SME.

The main objective propose in the ALAS Project is to develop an innovative laser cladding head, which will include an adaptive optical path that will control the laser focus distance on the fly, and will have a user friendly interface in order to simplify the programming of this variable tracks. Coevally, a monitoring system which will control the laser parameters depending on the process status will ensure a steady process quality. This tool will constitute an efficient instrument for part repair with complex geometries and coating selective surfaces. This will be a significant step forward into the total industrial implementation of an automated industrial laser cladding process.

The adaptive laser cladding system has potential to replace the actual cladding process in most real life applications. Currently, to process a cladding track with complex geometry, it is necessary to program several cladding paths. Using the adaptive ALAS cladding head, developed in this project, this tedious programming process will be eliminated.

A consortium of European firms from Spain (TMC, AIMEN), Germany (PRECITEC, Sill Optics, and FHG), Belgium (VITO), Slovenia (TIC-LENS) and Czech Republic (NEOVISION) develop respectively the mechanical design, the optical design and the control system.

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 315614″ (este proyecto ha recibido finanzamiento del 7º Programa Marco de la Unión Europea según el acuerdo No 315614)

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